All LLLC information sheets have been written and reviewed by a team of La Leche League Canada Leaders who are also International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs).
If you find these resources helpful, please consider making a donation so we can continue to help breastfeeding families in Canada.
Top Hits
Establishing Your Milk Supply
Growth of a Breastfed Baby
Growth Spurts and Frequent-Feeding Days
How to Know Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk
Low Milk Production
Positioning and Latching
Quick Tips - Positioning and Latching
Sleep and the Breastfeeding Family
Tips to Help You Meet Your Breastfeeding Goals
Nipple Pain - Why are my nipples sore?
About Human Milk: Nutrition, Environmental Issues and Health
Amazing Milk
Breastfeeding in a Polluted World
Breastfeeding in Emergencies
Environmental Impact of Breastfeeding
Mammal Milk Composition and Mothering Styles
What is the WHO Code? (The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes)
What is in Human Milk?
Baby Health Issues
Allergies, Food Sensitivities and Breastfeeding
Biting and Teething and the Breastfed Baby
Breastfeeding Your Baby with Down Syndrome
Comforting a Baby in Pain with Breastfeeding
Diabetes Prevention and Breastfeeding
Feeding a Baby with a Cleft Lip and/or Cleft Palate
Gastroenteritis, "Stomach Flu" & Food Poisoning
Jaundice and Breastfeeding
Oral Development and Dental Caries in the Breastfed Baby
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and the Impact of Breastfeeding
SIDS Prevention and Breastfeeding
Tongue and Lip-Ties
Vitamin D and the Breastfed Baby
Being a Breastfeeding Mother, Parent and Family
Being "extravagantly affectionate"
Caring for Your Newborn and Your Toddler - Helpful Tips
Custody Issues, Co-parenting, and Breastfeeding
Dealing with Thoughtless Remarks
Fasting and Breastfeeding
How Partners and Supporters Can Help
Talking to the Grandparents
Teens and Breastfeeding
Twins and More - Breastfeeding Multiples
What is Chestfeeding?
Beyond the Early Months: Solids, Biting, Nursing Older Ones, Nursing Strikes, Weaning and More
Biting and Teething and the Breastfed Baby
Breastfeeding the Distracted Baby
Dealing with Thoughtless Remarks
Dirt and Breastfeeding
Iron and Breastfeeding
Nursing Strikes
Separation Anxiety in Babies 8 to 12 months
Sleep and the Breastfeeding Family
Starting Solids and "Baby-led Weaning"
Toddlerhood and Beyond
Weaning - How and when it happens
Breast and Nipple Pain
Getting Ready and Breastfeeding in the Early Days
Babywearing and Breastfeeding
Breast Engorgement
Breastfeeding Through Pregnancy
Breastfeeding Tools
Caring for Your Newborn and Your Toddler - Helpful Tips
Cesarean Birth (c-section) and Breastfeeding (printable pdf)
Delaying Baby's First Bath Helps With Breastfeeding
Establishing Your Milk Supply
Fussy Baby Ideas
Growth of a Breastfed Baby
Growth Spurts and Frequent-Feeding Days
How Partners and Supporters Can Help
How to Express Colostrum Prenatally (pdf)
How to Know Your Baby is Getting Enough Milk (pdf)
Newborn Baby Hands - What Are They Trying to Tell You
Newborns Have Small Stomachs
Nipple Shields
Pee, Poo and Weight Gain (Chart)
Poops and Pees (pdf version)
Positioning and Latching
Quick Tips - Positioning and Latching
Prenatal Colostrum Expression
Preparing to Breastfeed
Quick Tips - Positioning and Latching
Signs Baby is Hungry
Skin-to-Skin Care
Sleep and the Breastfeeding Family
Safe Sleep 7
Talking to the Grandparents
The First Hours After Birth - The Nine Instinctive Stages
The Sounds of Breastfeeding
The Witching Hours
Tips to Help You Meet Your Breastfeeding Goals
To New Grandparents: 10 Things You Can Do To Support Breastfeeding
Vitamin D and the Breastfed Baby
Why Do Babies Cry?
Laid-Back Breastfeeding Position from Biological Nurturing
Physiologic Infant Care:Supporting breastfeeding, sleep, and well-being
Positioning (video)
Skin to Skin (video)
Expressing and Storing Milk
Lifestyle Questions: Eating, Drinking, Working Outside the Home, Travelling, Holidays and More
10 Boobtacular Tips - Halloween Edition
Alcohol and Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding in Summer or Hot Weather
Caffeine and Breastfeeding
Camping Tips for the Breastfeeding Family
Cannabis and Breastfeeding
Car Journeys with Baby
Chocolate and Breastfeeding
Flying with a Breastfed Baby
Food Choices While Breastfeeding
Holiday Parties and Breastfeeding
Nicotine - Smoking, 'Vaping', and Breastfeeding
Nipple Piercing and Breastfeeding
Returning to Paid Employment
Tanning and Breastfeeding
Tattoos, Henna and Breastfeeding
Vegan Diet
Water - How Much Should I Drink?
Your Right to Breastfeed Your Baby in Public
Milk Supply Issues: Too Much and Not Enough
Breast Compressions and 'Switch Nursing'
Does Breast Size Matter? Explaining Breast Storage Capacity and Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT)
How to Protect Breastfeeding While Supplementing (printable pdf)
Human Milk Banking and Milk Sharing
Low Milk Production
Oversupply and Forceful Letdown (Milk Ejection Reflex) (text only pdf)
Triple Feeding
Why do some babies feed more often?
Mother and Parent Health Issues
Baby Blues, PPD, PPA and Postpartum PTSD
Breastfeeding on One Side Only
Colds, Flu, Coronavirus, Stuffy Noses, and Ear Infections in the Breastfeeding Family
Diabetes Prevention and Breastfeeding
Diabetes, Insulin Resistance and Gestational Diabetes
Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER)
Flat or Inverted Nipples and Breastfeeding
Gastroenteritis, "Stomach Flu" & Food Poisoning
Moving Forward After a Traumatic or Difficult Birth
Radiologic Procedures and Breastfeeding
Surgery, Anesthesia and Medications and Breastfeeding
The Importance of Breastfeeding for Women's Health
Non LLLC - Resources
Breastfeeding and Radiological Exams - Natalie Gagnon
Breastfeeding and Thyroidism - LLLI
Breast Cancer and Breastfeeding - American Breastfeeding Medicine
Other Languages (Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese,Ukrainian)
Pregnancy, Fertility and Sex
LLLC and non-LLLC Resources A-Z
At La Leche League Canada (LLLC), we are committed to providing families, healthcare professionals, and communities with evidence-based breastfeeding support and education. This document includes a curated list of resources, both from LLLC and other trusted organizations, to assist with various aspects of lactation, parenting, and infant care.
Please note that this list is not exhaustive. If you have any updates or additions, kindly contact