LLLC Overview

La Leche League Canada (an affiliate of La Leche League International) is a non-profit organization with a long history of supporting Canadian mothers who wish to breastfeed. For over fifty years we’ve been talking to mothers and other family members about their concerns and providing the information they need to overcome the barriers to breastfeeding they encounter.

The work of our volunteers contributes significantly to the following Public Health Agency of Canada goal: “Canadian communities will foster environments where breastfeeding is the easiest choice for all women and their children." Our volunteer peer support counselors work closely with public health departments, hospitals and provincial breastfeeding committees in all Canadian provinces.

Breastfeeding is important to Canadian families. Health Canada strongly promotes breastfeeding as the best way to provide optimal nutrition, protection against illness, protection against conditions such as obesity, promotion of cognitive development and protection against allergies. Breastfeeding is a key element of primary prevention of many health problems. Research has shown that any amount of breastmilk a baby receives is beneficial; however, the long-term benefits are clearly related to exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continued breastfeeding to a year or longer. While most Canadian mothers start out breastfeeding, by the time their babies are three months old, the majority will have stopped.

While support from the formal health care system is essential, numerous research studies have shown that peer support – experienced breastfeeding mothers helping new mothers – has the greatest impact on increasing the duration of breastfeeding. The kind of peer support provided by La Leche League volunteers has been shown to be critical to breastfeeding success. La Leche League Canada has a small support staff of 1 employee, an elected volunteer Board of Directors, and more than 400 active volunteers across the country. Over 35,000 volunteer hours are contributed each year by La Leche League Canada in direct service to breastfeeding families. In addition to the direct contact with breastfeeding families La Leche League Canada runs several Health Professional Seminars each year which provide technical breastfeeding education to over 700 professionals (nurses, Lactation Consultants, doulas, midwives, physicians and others) who work with pregnant and breastfeeding families.

La Leche League Canada volunteers reach 100,000 mothers, babies and families annually – with excellent results. According to Statistics Canada, more than 62% of babies are weaned before they are six months old. When mothers attend La Leche League meetings, they are more likely to reach the Canadian Pediatric Society breastfeeding goals of exclusive breastfeeding to six months (their average age of introducing other food or drink is 6.5 months) and continued breastfeeding to one year or longer (their average age of weaning is 19 months).

Sustaining funding from Provincial or Federal Government programs has not been available to non-profit “health” oriented organizations for a number of years. As a result, LLLC raises its annual budget of approximately $200,000 through individual and corporate donations, and annual "Breastfeeding Benefits" events.

LLLC meeting