This section is a collection of heartfelt stories shared by members of our La Leche League Canada community. Here, you’ll find a diverse range of experiences—from breastfeeding journeys to navigating the challenges of returning to work, and the profound sense of connection found within our community. These stories come from parents, Leaders, alumni, and others who have walked unique paths, each with their own joys, struggles, and triumphs. We hope these reflections resonate with you, offering inspiration, comfort, and a reminder that you are never alone on your journey.
Baby Health Issues
Being a Breastfeeding Mother, Parent and Family
Story: Tandem Nursing
Story: A Daughter's Reflection
Story: Black Breastfeeding in Canada
Story: Breastfeeding and Postpartum Healing Through Grief
Story: Celebrating Pride Month with LLLC
Story: Finding Your "Village"
Story: Good Days and Bad Days
Story: Gratitude for Community in Ever-changing Times
Story: Mothering Journey (Value of LLLC Support)
Story: My Journey (An Indigenous Mother's Story)
Story: Sleepless Nights
Story: The Emotional Push and Pull of Being a Breastfeeding Parent
Story: The Value of Caring for Children
Story: The Queen Breastfed Too
Story: Where I'll Be (Mothering Twins)