Sherwood Park Daytime

You are welcome to join our Group meetings. Get your breastfeeding questions answered, share support, and meet others on the same journey as you. We look forward to seeing you! If you need support from a Leader between meetings, please reach out to a local Leader (see below for contact info). Or contact our national Ask a Leader team (responses within 72 hours).

This Group is
Please note that registration to attend meetings for Healthcare Providers is required. Please connect with Group Leader(s) in advance. Open to Healthcare Providers:
LLLC Leader
Leader email:
Leader email:
Leader email:
Languages Spoken:
Next Meeting Date/Time
Time zone
Mountain Time
Other - Meeting Topic
We enjoy an open dialogue and conversation!
Non-nursing partners welcome:
Meeting Location

401 Festival Lane
Sherwood Park AB

Wheelchair accessible:
Stroller Accessible:
Location notes:
Strathcona County Public Library, Maple Room, 2nd floor
Elevator located near the front entrance
Free heated underground parking
Other accessibility notes:
Free parking
Toddler approved
Close to public transit
Outside (path available)
Washroom available

53.5265453, -113.2977004

If you are pregnant, we recommend you attend our LLLC Breastfeeding Essentials prenatal class. There are in-person and virtual classes available.

Explore our LLLC Meetings Calendar to discover all the exciting upcoming meetings we have planned! Whether you're local or far away, we offer virtual meetings to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate. Join us and stay connected with our community!

Find our collection of information sheets in our Resources Section.

If you are interested in becoming an LLLC Leader, read more about the pre-requisites and the process.

La Leche League Canada is a not-for-profit charity. Please consider making a donation. Your support is greatly appreciated! Tax receipts will be issued for donations over $10.