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Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breastfed Baby

**The Lethbridge group is taking a break from hosting meetings in July and August. Please stay tuned for dates to be announced for September forward. In the mean time, please reach out through any of the contact options listed below.**

La Leche League Canada meetings are facilitated by trained and accredited breastfeeding peer supporters.

Meetings are open to pregnant and nursing people and their supporters. Children are always welcome. 

Bring your breastfeeding questions, joys, and challenges to share.

Location: CASA Community Arts Centre - 230 8 Street South, Lethbridge. We meet in the community room. If you enter from the parking lot, you will see the room straight ahead.

For more information, please call, email, or check out our Instagram: @LLLCLethbridge

Open to Health Care Professionals
Health Care Professionals welcome

Healthcare professionals and students are encouraged to register prior to attending.
Breastfeeding Essentials Prenatal Classes: Available at no cost to those who are pregnant and their partners/support people.
LLLC Virtual Meetings Calendar: Looking for support, visit the calendar for more information.
LLLC meetings information: Some Groups are hosting in-person gatherings, others are hosting virtual meetings or a combination of both. Please check with your local Group for more details.
Please visit our Resource Section for information sheets.