LLLC AB/NWT Leader/Leader Applicant Day

AB Day

The theme for the day was Nourishing our Leaders. Joan Little and Trisha Correy-Pall arrived at the Riviera hotel’s conference room early to set up to welcome the Leaders and Applicant, while Jen Peddlesden came and set up a very extensive AB/NWT historical display.
AB Day
By 9 am, there were 19 Leaders in person and 1 virtually (out of 36 in AB/NWT) as well as 1 Leader Applicant. Mary Graham led us in a creative interactive Land Acknowledgement used at the Calgary Public Libraries. Our opening introductory question was “In a word, what describes LLL?” Here are some of the most frequently used words:
Described LLLC

There was so much laughter and a few tears as Leaders shared poignant stories of what LLL means to them. It was a heartwarming way to start our day.

After a delicious morning snack, Jen Peddleson presented a session on “Opioids and Breastfeeding” and other PL news. This session’s PowerPoint and video can be found in the Leader Department section on the website. (Scroll down and click on the AB-NWT News & Resources page.)
AB day

Lunch included open questions for Leaders and the Area Council to consider: Why did you decide to become an LLL Leader? Why are you still an LLL Leader? What excites you the most about being a Leader? What projects are intriguing for you in LLLC? What are you looking forward to in our Area? What is the most important thing that LLLC does for you? What is your most important role as a Leader? What makes a difference to breastfeeding in your community?
AB Day

Lunch was followed by a yoga break led by Colleen Stadlweiser.
Lunch AB

We started the afternoon with an interactive session on Communication Skills Development led by Wendy Jolliffe.

AB Day

We examined 8 aspects of wellness (emotional, occupational, intellectual, environmental, financial, social, physical, and spiritual) and brainstormed tips / best practices for each, keeping in mind that staying healthy ourselves gives us enough energy to support others.

AB Day

We examined 3 specific helping scenarios and practiced identifying the feeling of the subject, asked an open-ended question, and paraphrased the conversation being certain to affirm the subject’s expertise and acknowledge what they’re already doing to find their own solution. We reviewed the risks of “giving advice” and reinforced why Leaders give information instead. Finally, we discussed compassion fatigue and circled back to the concept of holistic wellness.

AB Day

The La Leche League Leaders in Alberta have the opportunity to volunteer every 18 months at a provincial government sanctioned casino. They fundraise upwards of $75,000, as long as they operate according to LLLC’s, the Alberta Society and Alberta Gaming regulations. This includes holding an annual general meeting. Holly Peng, as the LLL AB/NWT Society president for 2022-23, chaired this year’s AGM. Cecily Heslett was invited and attended on behalf of the LLLC Board of Directors. The Leaders present agreed to continue with this fundraiser for the foreseeable future.

To close this very full day, Trisha Correy-Pall and Colleen Stadlweiser led a Leader recognition ceremony where Joan Little was specifically celebrated for her 40 years as a Leader. The presentation was extra special as a 43 year volunteer, Jen Peddleson, spoke to acknowledge Joan’s significant contributions to LLLC over the years.

AB Day 
AB Day  AB Day

With full hearts and many hugs, the participants departed from the hotel at 4:30 pm, re-energized to continue their LLL commitment to assist families in their communities. See you next year!