La Leche League Canada and Login Canada, the Canadian Book Industry's largest STM Distribution Company, have combined forces to bring you easy access to a wide variety of materials geared towards health professionals who work with breastfeeding families. One click takes you to LLLC's virtual bookstore where you will find a searchable bookshelf with Canadian prices and direct-to-you shipping. Finding the lactation publications you need for work or study just got easier.
Access the LLLC Virtual Bookstore at Login Canada
Can't find the book you are looking for by searching the booklist? Drop us a note and we will search to see if it is available to add to the collection.
Your purchases through the LLLC Virtual Bookstore or via this link to Indigo assists LLLC's work with breastfeeding families across Canada. ( up to 10% of total sales) Thank you for your support!