Become a Monthly Donor

Join our Monthly Donor Club:

Monthly donations are easy, convenient and have benefits for both you and LLLC. They:

  • reduce paperwork and other administrative costs because, once you sign up for monthly payments, they continue automatically

  • provide stable year round funding so we are less subject to the ups and downs of cash flow
  • may allow you to make a larger overall gift for the year than with a one-time donation

  • let you receive one tax creditable receipt per year and if you choose, eliminate other requests for support

Did you know that individual donors account for 80% of the donations income of all Canadian charities? The power of the individual keeps our beloved charities chugging along from year to year, through government cutbacks and the changing fads of corporate sponsorship.

It may surprise you to learn that the small, but regular donations that individual donors make to La Leche League Canada are more useful to our work than government or corporate grants. Individual donations are not tied to a special project or ensnared by government red tape and so can be used directly for our operating expenses.

Most of us probably spend a few dollars every month on raffle tickets, those little paper leaves or tents they sell at retail cash registers, candy or event tickets -- all to support charities in our communities. What if, for one year, you were to put all of those loonies and toonies into a jar instead? At the end of the year, you could make a donation to your favourite charity -- and receive a tax receipt.

Unlike candy sales, raffle tickets, auction items or special events, 100% of an individual donation is used for the charity's work. The charity doesn't have to purchase items for re-sale or spend precious volunteer and staff time to organize events. Plus -- donors receive a tax receipt for 100% of their donation amount.

If individual donations make up the engine that drives most charities, then monthly donations are the limousine of individual giving. Monthly donations offer all the advantages of individual donations (unrestricted funds that do not take a lot of time and overhead to solicit or administer) and then some!

Click here for our Monthly Donor Info Brochure and Pledge Form