Celebrating 1000 Days of Breastfeeding!

1000 Days of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is not just about nourishment—it's about connection, love, and meeting your child’s unique needs. Did you know that extended breastfeeding can contribute to meeting a significant portion of their nutritional requirements?
✅ 60% of vitamin C needs
✅ 43% of protein needs
✅ 36% of calcium needs
✅ 75% of vitamin A needs
✅ 94% of vitamin B12 needs
✅ 76% of folate needs
And most importantly—it's 100% their choice!

Every breastfeeding journey is unique, and every milestone is worth celebrating! Whether it’s 1 day, 100 days, or 1000 days, the love and dedication behind each moment make it special.